Def of collate
Def of collate

def of collate

This list of antonyms for the word collate is also provided by Thesaurus. Antonyms are also a useful tool to expand a person’s vocabulary. These are known as antonyms, which are words and phrases that have the opposite definitions as another word or phrase. There are also a number of words that mean the opposite of the word collate. This list of synonyms for the word collate is provided by Thesaurus. Synonyms are a useful English language tool because they can help you to avoid repeating the same word over and over again while simultaneously expanding your vocabulary. Synonyms are words and phrases that have the same or a similar definition as another word or phrase. There are many different words that are synonyms for the word collate. What are synonyms and antonyms for the word collate?

  • German: abgleichen‎, kollationieren‎, vergleichen‎, zuordnen‎.
  • This list of translations for the word collate is provided by Word Sense. Cognates are words that look, sound, and mean something similar across languages. Usually, cognates are formed when two words have a common ancestor such as Latin or Greek. This is likely because they are of a similar origin. You may find that some of these words look and sound similar to each other.

    def of collate

    Many different languages also contain words that mean collate. Try using this word of the day or other new words in a sentence today! If these pages are out of order, they are considered uncollated. Often, the word collate describes placing sheets of paper into proper order. This word is almost exclusively used with written information, but can also be used with data or information for the purposes of comparison.

    def of collate

    According to Cambridge English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster Unabridged English Language Dictionary, the word collate (pronounced ˈkoʊ leɪt) is a verb that is used to mean to bring together written information for the purposes of comparison, as well as to collect and arrange various documents or pages into a correct order.

    Def of collate